Public Opinion
Ağustos 18, 2020

Turkey’s “Culturalization” in European Public Opinion

Former Belgian co-chair of the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Commission, Marc Galle, published a book in 1995 on how Europeans viewed Turkey. It was called “Turkey, the Disliked Country” (1995). The claim that Turkey is disliked among the European public has long been a fundamental argument used by European politicians to deny Turkey’s demands during negotiations: “Although you are right, we cannot agree to your demands because there is no way we could convince our public and would end up paying […]
Ağustos 18, 2020

Turkey’s “Culturalization” in EU Public Opinion: Observations on the Findings of an Opinion Survey

Hakan Yılmaz, Emre Erdoğan, Turkey’s “Culturalization” in EU Public Opinion: Observations on the Findings of an Opinion Survey in: Annette Freyberg-Inan, Mehmet Bardakci, Olaf Leiße (Ed.) Growing Together, Growing Apart, page 145 – 164 Turkey and the European Union Today 1. Edition 2016, ISBN print: 978-3-8487-3037-7, ISBN online: 978-3-8452-7418-8, Series: Jenaer Beiträge zur Politikwissenschaft, vol. 17 View full text:
Ağustos 18, 2020

Determinants of Turkish Citizens Attitudes Towards International Institutions

Following a brief introduction of the literature on the role of public opinion in international relations, the author analyzes the fluctuations of public opinion in Turkey towards the UN and the EU. The factors that trust in these institutions depends on and the variations within different segments of the Turkish society are dissected. View full text:
Ağustos 18, 2020

Dış Politikada Siyasallaşma: Türk Kamuoyunun “Davos Krizi” ve Etkileri Hakkındaki Değerlendirmeleri

Dış politika konuları seçmenlerin çoğu için kolayca yorumlanamayacak kadar karmaşık konulardır. Buna rağmen seçmenlerin kamuoyu araştırmalarında bu konularda tutum sahibi olduklarını belirttikleri gözlemlenmektedir. Belirtilen tutumların, dış politika konularında referans alınacak bir kamuoyunun varlığına işaret ettiği iddia edilmekle birlikte, bu tutumların neredeyse rastsal bir şekilde oluştuğu da öne sürülmektedir. Araştırma çalışmamız, 2009 yılında Başbakan Tayyip Erdoğan’ın Davos’ta katıldığı bir paneli terk etmesi ve “One Minute Çıkışı” olarak bilinen davranışı sonrasında yürütülen bir anket çalışmasına dayanarak seçmenlerin dış politika konusundaki algılarının siyasal […]
Ağustos 18, 2020

The Missing Element: Turkish Public Opinion toward the US

Recent developments in US-Turkey relations, especially with regard to Turkish public opinion, have attracted the attention of decision makers. Sparked by the findings of some public opinion polls, the media has engaged in a discussion of the “anti-Americanism” of the Turkish public. This paper aims to elaborate the attitudes of the Turkish public towards the US, using the findings of several public opinion polls conducted recently. Polls show that anti-Americanism has increased in recent years, probably as a result of […]