Ağustos 18, 2020

How Populist Zeitgeist Controls Turkish Electoral Campaign 2018

The new elections in Turkey is displaying strong populist rhetoric that is invoked by all major candidates in order to win popular support. These four political leaders’ electoral campaigns rely on populist language, glorifying the role of the people and illustrating their superiority. As the snap elections of June 24th approach, the populist tune in Turkish politics becomes the remarkable characteristic of the electoral campaign. In a country, used as the textbook example for populism or competitive authoritarianism, the competition between […]
Ağustos 18, 2020

Determinants of Turkish Citizens Attitudes Towards International Institutions

Following a brief introduction of the literature on the role of public opinion in international relations, the author analyzes the fluctuations of public opinion in Turkey towards the UN and the EU. The factors that trust in these institutions depends on and the variations within different segments of the Turkish society are dissected. View full text:
Ağustos 18, 2020

A Tea Party Online: A Content Analysis of Local, Regional, and State Tea Party Websites

Since 2009, the Tea Party has played a prominent role in American politics, influencing both election outcomes and policymaking. Scholars and political pundits often argue about whether the movement constitutes an authentic economic populist movement within American conservatism or simply is a rebranding of classic conservative politics in the age of President Obama. Much can be discerned about the true nature of an organization by examining its public communications, particularly its online communications. This study analyzes the content of a […]
Ağustos 18, 2020

Turkey in between: The continuing search for development

“Nowadays, we are all ‘modern.’ But we became modern in very different ways” (Therborn 2012: 71). The implication here is that modernity is a global reality, based on different histories, and different social and cultural backgrounds. This also holds for Turkey; where interesting stories of (human) development and (social) progress gradually unraveled throughout the modernization process of the country. According to Therborn, there are four different paths to modernity defined by the conflict lines for and against the “new” based […]
Ağustos 18, 2020

Growing perceived threat and prejudice as sources of intolerance: evidence from the 2015 Turkish general elections

Tolerance is a central concept for a society’s democratic foundations. Many forms of populism threaten tolerance and are a growing concern for consolidated liberal democracies as well developing ones. Right-wing ideology, heightened nationalism, and xenophobic rhetoric toward minorities are threatening social cohesion, public unity, and liberal values. Turkey, subject to various destabilizing recent events, faces specific challenges amid political, social, and economic uncertainties. Using two waves of a nationally representative survey, conducted after each of two general elections in 2015, […]
Ağustos 18, 2020

A fourth alternative for Turkey: a democratic Middle East

In this article the author argues that Turkey can be a positive catalyst for democratic change in the Middle East. In its evaluation of the potential success of the democratization process, the article analyzes eight indicators of the democratic requirements for countries in need of change in the region: their economic situation, the international climate, a past democratic experience, the existence of past democratic culture and institutions, and the role of ethnicity and civil society. View full text: