How do children contextualize their well-being? Methodological insights from a neighborhood based qualitative study in Istanbul
Effects of social media on civil and political participation and a field of survey over on Facebook
Fairness in the apportionment of seats in the Turkish legislature: is there room for improvement?
Dış Politikada Siyasallaşma: Türk Kamuoyunun “Davos Krizi” ve Etkileri Hakkındaki Değerlendirmeleri
Child Well-Being Indicators Through the Eyes of Children in Turkey: A Happy Child Would be One Who…
Seçim Sistemleri ve Siyasal Sonuçları: İstikrar ve Temsiliyet
Siyasal Psikoloji Siyasal Katılım Hakkında Ne Öğretebilir? Gezi Protestoları’na Katılanlar Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme
Contextualizing subjective well-being of children in different domains: Does higher safety provide higher subjective well-being for child citizens?
The Missing Element: Turkish Public Opinion toward the US
Who cannot access education? Difficulties of being a student for children from Syria in Turkey